Home Remedies for Carpal Tunnel Relief

Carpal tunnel starts as numbness and tingling in the arms and hands, and if left untreated, it worsens with time. It occurs as a result of a pinched nerve in the wrist due to daily activity. It is common among people who play musical instruments, handle a lot of manual labour, exercise too much, or handle vibrating hand tools. Luckily you can get carpal tunnel relief through lifestyle changes.

Take Regular Breaks

Repetitive tasks make carpal tunnel symptoms worse. Whether you are using a hand drill, playing guitar, or typing on your computer, ensure to take a break every 15 minutes. During the break, take a walk and wiggle your fingers. Move the wrists and stretch your hands to improve blood flow to these areas.

Wear Splints

Carpal tunnel occurs due to excessive pressure on the median nerve. Wearing splints will help keep the wrists straight, which in turn reduces pressure on the nerve offering carpal tunnel relief. Since carpal tunnel syndrome worsens at night, wearing splints to bed will help prevent an episode of tingling and numbness. If you perform repetitive tasks during the day, you can wear the splints as you perform the tasks as well.

Lighten up and get the Right Flexion

Using too much force and straining your arms worsens the symptoms. To get carpal tunnel relief:

  1. Reduce the force you use and relax your grip when writing, typing, using the cash register, or moving the lawn mower.
  2. Tap computer keys lightly and use a soft grip pen when writing.
  3. Avoid activities that stretch your wrist to extreme lengths.
  4. Always ensure that the wrist lies in a neutral position.

If you are a weight trainer and carpal tunnel syndrome is affecting your job and routine, it is time to seek medical intervention. On top of the above, a doctor may recommend topical steroid creams to reduce the inflammation. In worst cases, a doctor may recommend surgery to relieve pressure from the median nerve.

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